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qEEG tools in CBRAIN

EEG Tools for Quantitative EEG Analysis (qEEG) at the Montreal Neurological Institute Ecosystem for Open Science: CBRAIN & LORIS

July 8, 2024

Presented at OHBM 2024, Seoul, Korea

Developed as part of the Global EEG Norms project of the Global Brain Consortium

Taking advantage of the computer resources available at Brain Compute Canada

OHBM-2024 pre-congress course: The Global Brain Consortium qEEG facilities

This course includes the steps on how to prepare the data and run qEEG facilities at CBRAIN. With demonstrative videos.

2023 Vera Gross Lecture

Dr. Michael Milham to deliver Vera Gross Lecture

March 22, 2023, 9:30am EDT

Michael P. Milham, MD, PhD, is an internationally recognized neuroscience researcher and the Vice-President of the Child Mind Institute in New York City. He is the founding director of its Center for the Developing Brain and a practicing child and adolescent psychiatrist.

Dr. Milham’s research interests include investigating how functional and structural connectivity in the brain may underlie differing forms of mental illness, and seeking to chart the course of brain development in healthy and affected children.

This lecture is made possible by a generous contribution from Mortimer and Vera Gross.

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INCF Assembly 2022

International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility

Sept 12-16, 2022

Two symposia organized by the GBC:

GBC's EEG normative initiative for creating standards for MEEG analysis
Speakers: Pedro Valdes-Sosa, Joseph Picone, Christine Rogers, Scott Makeig

EEG: the interface between neuroinformatics and clinical/basic science research
Speakers: Pedro Valdes-Sosa, Michael Milham, Roberto Rodriguez, Tomas Ros, Jorge Bosch-Bayard

ICCN 2022 Geneva

International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology

Sept 4-8, 2022

Two symposia organized by the GBC-OHBM-IFCN:

Quantitative Neuroimaging of Public Health problems: Examples from Latin America
Chair: Jorge Bosch-Bayard (Montreal Neurological Institute)

EEG in the clouds
Chair: Pedro A. Valdes Sosa

INC 2022

2nd. International Neurodevelopment Congress.

Organized by the Neurodevelopment Research Unit, Institute for Neurobiology, UNAM.

Led by Dr. Thalia Harmony.
September 8-10, 2022

Vera Gross Lecture

Dr. Janina Galler to deliver inaugural Vera Gross Lecture

Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 12 noon EST

Dr. Janina Galler from the Harvard Medical School will present the Barbados Nutrition Study for this public presentation. Since the 1970s this multidisciplinary developmental project has studied the lifelong effects of early malnutrition and associated childhood adversities. It includes long-term clinical and demographic data collection, social outcomes and EEG data collection.

This lecture is made possible by a generous contribution from Mortimer and Vera Gross.

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BrainLat Symposium 2021

EEG biomarkers of brain health and dementia

October 29-30, 2021. 10:00 am CST

Hosted by: BrainLat-UAI | GBHI

Advances from the Latin-American Research Network and ISTAART Electrophysiology Professional Interest Area.

IFCN 2019

International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology annual meeting

12 June 2019

Global Brain Consortium Symposium: Neural Basis of human consciousness: phenomena, paradigms, and exploring techniques. Presentations included: