The International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN) was held on September 4th to 8th, 2022. There were two symposia organized by the GBC-OHBM-IFCN. The first symposia was Quantitative Neuroimaging of Public Health problems, Examples from Latin America, chaired by Jorge Bosch-Bayard (Montreal Neurological Institute). The second symposia was EEG in the clouds, chaired by Pedro A. Valdes Sosa. Follow the link to see the program overview.
Dr. Janina Galler, MD, PhD, delivered the inaugural Vera Gross Lecture on Life-Span and Intergenerational Legacy of Early Childhoof Malnutrition on Brain and Behavior - the 48+ Year Barbados Nutrition Study. This lecture was held in conjunction with the annual assembly of the Global Brain Consortium on November 23, 2021. Dr. Galler from the Harvard Medical School presented the Barbados Nutrition Study for this public presentation. Since the 1970s this multidisciplinary developmental project has studied the lifelong effects of early malnutrition and associated childhood adversities. It includes long-term clinical and demographic data collection, social outcomes and EEG data collection. Follow the link to YouTube to watch the recording.
The third annual GBC meeting was held over 2 half-days in late November 2021, and featured highlights and planning activities from GBC Projects. Follow the link to read more.
The BrainLat institute held an event titled EEG biomarkers of brain health and dementia on October 29th to 30th, 2021 at 10:00 am CST. This symposium featured advances from the Latin-American Research Network and ISTAART Electrophysiology Professional Interest Area. Follow the link to read more.
The 20th World Congress of Psychophysiology was held on September 7th to 11th, 2021. This event featured GBC-related research and activities. Follow the link to see our presentations on YouTube.